Self-Capture video testimonials

Authentic testimonials:
self-submitted, expertly refined

Send a link to your customers and let them self-submit their own video testimonial asynchronously. Then let our team of professional video editors do the rest.

Proudly serving leading companies around the world

We make it easy for you and your customers

Step 1

Approve Questions

Step 2

Send Submission Link

Step 3

Receive Testimonials

Step 4

We Professionally Edit

Don’t compromise quality for ease of use

Marketers have always had to make a choice between affordability and quality.

Selfie-style video capture software is affordable. But then marketers either need a team of editors to fix the quality and compose a compelling story. Or they can publish the unedited version.

And a high quality remote capture process with a producer running it can sometimes be out of budget. Especially when creating videos at scale.

Our professionally edited self-submitted product fills this void in the marketplace and enables you to create high quality, authentic videos at scale.

Finally, the ease of self-submission with the quality of professional editors.


How is this different from a remote testimonial?

Our creative producers join remote testimonials to help frame the customer and ask the questions. With self-submitted testimonials, the customer clicks a link, is prompted with questions, and records their answers.

How do you ensure the quality if customers are not guided on the call?

We have video tutorials at the start that provide best practices for recording quality. Our editors are also capable of uplevelling audio/video quality, removing/editing backgrounds, and more. With self-submitted, you only pay for what you use so if a poor testimonial is submitted you do not have to use it.

Do I record on webcam or phone?

We highly recommend webcam. It’s much easier for your customers as they can just click a link on their computer and start recording.

Do we get customized questions for each customer?

Most customers run targeted campaigns to multiple customers. For example, a set of questions for one industry and a set for another industry. You can customize questions for each customer though if you wish. If you do, it’s best to get them to agree to give a testimonial ahead of time so you do not spend time filling out creative briefs for interviews that won’t happen.

What kind of editing capabilities do you have to ensure quality?

We take the clips and create a compelling story with b-roll, text overlays, and basic animations. Our editors also use a variety of tools to clean up and improve the quality of the testimonial.

Start closing more deals, faster

With strategic video testimonials that support your entire go-to-market strategy.

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