Strategic video testimonials

Months worth of customer content from a single day

Capturing multiple testimonials at a single location helps you get on-site quality at a fraction of the cost.

Proudly serving leading companies around the world

Hassle-free, exceptional-quality customer testimonials

As a global video testimonial company, we’ll take care of everything from filming and producing to editing, cutting, and repurposing customer testimonial videos for you.

  • 100% done-for-you filming, production, and editing.
  • A dedicated project manager ensures videos are shot, edited, and produced on time.
  • Fast turnaround – delivery time of your first videos is within 2 weeks of filming.
  • Your footage can also be used to create use-case-specific content such as ads, social posts, teasers, and more.

Unlock customer stories at scale

  • Customer Advisory Boards (CABs)
    Take advantage of your key customers being together and capture relevant testimonial videos to use in sales and marketing.
  • Conference and Tradeshows
    Leverage large industry events and capture unique video content of your customers on the show/conference floor
  • Store Openings
    A store opening is a time when your most committed customers will be more excited and energetic for testimonials.
  • Sponsorship Events
    Leverage your position as a sponsor to capture impactful customer video content throughout the event.
  • Executive Meetings
    Capture impactful video testimonials from the most influential names at your company.
  • Corporate Events
    From planning sessions to retreats, maximize the opportunity of bringing your entire company together for video content.
  • Product/Service Launches
    Leverage the company-wide excitement that comes from new launches when filming your employee videos.
  • Employee Appreciation Events
    Utilize the enthusiasm around employee appreciation events when creating internal testimonial content.

And the results are incredible, take a look for yourself


Event Testimonial


Event Testimonial

Current Health

Event Testimonial


Event Testimonial

Start closing more deals, faster

With strategic video testimonials that support your entire go-to-market strategy.

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